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Writer's pictureebbthegoatherd

A Dystopian Story

I am posting installments here on a story I originally wrote for English class. I hope you enjoy, and give me feedback! Please be kind and don't copy this work.. I intend only for you to read it and tell me what you think!

No Place To Go


I can hear Journee scream as she feverishly splashes in the swirling, murky water. She gasps and gurgles, her eyes widen and fill with tears, and she helplessly gropes for the soaked land at the edge of the water, but to no avail. Her small body slowly gives up, and I see Journee’s head plunge inches under the water and bubbles float to the top. My four-year-old sister had been walking her metal AI puppy, a toy that had been passed down for generations. This toy will never leave her side. Journee had reached the edge of the land and had bent down to give her toy a drink of stagnant water when she lost her footing and fell into the hundred-feet-deep sea.

I rush immediately to pull Journee out after hearing her scream. I had known it was not her ha-you-couldn’t-catch-me shriek, but instead her blood-curdling, piercing scream. I had hoped I would never hear that sound. When she is upright on land again, I can’t help letting a few tears loose. We all had been trained on how to act when this happened, but somehow I still wasn’t prepared. I heard about a phenomenon called “Climate Change” that people had talked about a long time ago. I know it involves us humans, but I have no idea why no one tried to stop it. Water levels have been rising for over a hundred years, and temperatures have gotten so high that we didn’t have to worry about heating systems anymore. The only species left on Earth are the few humans on our minute island that was once Bolivia. Almost every day, homes and even full families drown from the water that unforgivingly inundates our island almost monthly. It even took my father, whom I barely got to know. My mother had cried for weeks when he died, and she hasn’t had the same light in her eyes ever since. Life on Earth is clearly not working for us anymore, and maybe it is finally time to leave. We will have to decide if we should risk our lives down here or our dignity up on one of the islands built on metal posts.

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